Bit Operation

Bit Operation Essential Things

For details about Bit, this blog is helpful.

For my revise :)

  1. Left Shift ( << ) means multiply a number by 2, or, some powers of 2.
    Approach : a<<2   where a = 1011101
    after operation                 a = 1110100
  2. Right Shift ( >> ) means divide a number by 2 or powers of 2.
    Approach : a>>2   where a = 1011101
    after operation                 a = 0010111
  3. Precedence of Bit Operator
    NOT ( ~ ) highest
    AND ( & )
    XOR ( ^ )
    OR ( | ) lowest
  4. Is a power of 2?
      bool isPowerOfTwo(int x)
            // x will check if x == 0 
            // and !(x & (x - 1)) will check if x is a power of 2 or not
            return (x && !(x & (x - 1)));
  5. Count the number of ones in the binary representation of the given number..
        int count_one (int n)
                while( n )
                n = n&(n-1);
                return count;
  6. Check if the ith bit is set in the binary form of the given number
     bool check (int N)
            if( N & (1 << i) )
                return true;
                return false;
  7. Swap two integers without using any third variable
    Let A = 5 and B = 6
    A = A ^ B = 3     /* 101 XOR 110 = 011 */
    B = A ^ B = 5     /* 011 XOR 110 = 101 */
    A = A ^ B = 6     /* 011 XOR 101 = 110 */
    So, A = 6 and B = 5
  8. Divisibility by power of 2
    Here, P is in the form 2X and N is an integer (typically unsigned)
    N % P = N & (P-1)
    N / P = N >> X
    N * P = N << X

    About the % operation: the above is possible only when P is a power of 2
  9. Clear all the SET BIT without the Least Significant Bit of a number N.
      N = N & -N; 
  10. Find the position of MSB(Most Significant Bit)

     int position = log2(N);


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